Thank You to All who attended our event Chains for Charity2 on the 25th October.
In total we hosted 26 players which generated a donation of 12.2 Kilos of canned food and a £65 check to the East Lothian Food Bank. It was nice to see lots of families and many new players join us for a day of disc golf. Congrats to David Meek for winning the Blue Course challenge. And a special Thanks to our sponsors for their contributions in prizes Latitude 64, Vibram Disc Golf and Prodigy Disc Golf. David Meek- Tournament Winner- Vibram Ascent Graham Rushy- Long Putt- Mercy Putter (Lat64) Junior Putting Champ- Prodigy PA1 Putter Junior Long Drive- Vibram Trak See you next year C4C3!! |