Quaich Tour 23
The Quaich Tour Points Series strives to combine excellent disc golf tournaments into a tournament series. The Quaich Tour 2023 Points season consists of a year long series of events, all are welcome to join the fun. The winner of the Quaich Tour will be the player with the most points accumulated using their top five events, the 6th event will be used in case of a tiebreaker. Our points system is explained below. Overall division winners will receive a prize.
This Quaich Tour series of events are open to everyone no matter your age or skill level. Please feel free to contact us anytime regarding our sport, the courses or our tour.
This Quaich Tour series of events are open to everyone no matter your age or skill level. Please feel free to contact us anytime regarding our sport, the courses or our tour.
Quaich Tour 2023
Mens Open Division (MPO)
Womens Open Division (FPO)
Masters Divisions (MP40, MP50, MA40,MFA40,MA50,MA60, MA65)
-Amateur Divisions (MA1, FA1, MA2, FA2, MA3, FA3, )
-Junior Divisions * (MJ16, FJ16)
Division descriptions below - * optional divisions
2023 Points System
The winner of each event will receive 100 points with each score higher receiving a percentage of points based on attendance. A players top 5 scores will be used to determine the Quaich Tour Champion in 2022 as well as division winners. There are 6 events on the QT with 20% bonus points.
Mens Open Division (MPO)
Womens Open Division (FPO)
Masters Divisions (MP40, MP50, MA40,MFA40,MA50,MA60, MA65)
-Amateur Divisions (MA1, FA1, MA2, FA2, MA3, FA3, )
-Junior Divisions * (MJ16, FJ16)
Division descriptions below - * optional divisions
2023 Points System
The winner of each event will receive 100 points with each score higher receiving a percentage of points based on attendance. A players top 5 scores will be used to determine the Quaich Tour Champion in 2022 as well as division winners. There are 6 events on the QT with 20% bonus points.
2023 Quaich Tour Series Awards
Open Champion - Quaich Cup
Womens Open Champion
Masters Open Champion
Mens Amateur Champion
Amateur Womens Champion
Mens Masters Champion
Grandmasters Champion
Mens Intermediate Champion
Womens Intermdiate Champion
Mens Recreation Champion
Girls Junior Champion
Boys Junior Champion
Joining the Tour
To participate in the Quaich Tour simply follow the guidelines listed below.
1. Sign up to an event with the corresponding TD's.
2. Choose a division to participate in based on the descriptions below.
3. You may join the Tour at any point in the year.
4. Have Fun, enjoy disc golf, support our sponsors.
To participate in the Quaich Tour simply follow the guidelines listed below.
1. Sign up to an event with the corresponding TD's.
2. Choose a division to participate in based on the descriptions below.
3. You may join the Tour at any point in the year.
4. Have Fun, enjoy disc golf, support our sponsors.
Official Division Structure per Professional Disc Golf Association
For the 2022 Quaich Tour we have tried to keep it very simple. Participate in whatever division you feel is the best fit for you to enjoy our events.
Open Division: (MPO)
Anyone can play in the Open Division but an average Open player has several years experience, throws 325-400 feet accurately, makes 6-8/10 putts from 25-30 feet, and has a variety of shots (rollers, forehands, etc) to draw from. Ratings Guideline: 970+
Masters Division: (MP40,MA40,MA50)
available to all players who will be 40 or 50 years of age or older during the current year.
Advanced Division: (MA1)
The top amateur division, under 40 years of age. Tournament experienced players who have played disc golf for several years, and developed consistency. Throw 300-450 feet, make 5-7/10 putts from 25-30 feet, have different shots in their arsenal. Ratings Guideline:>= 935
Intermediate - (MA2)
available to amateur players of all ages with player ratings < 935. Developing players who have played 2-3 years with improved consistency and accuracy. Throw 250-350 feet, make 5-7/10 putts from 20 feet.
Junior >18:(MJ1/FJ1)
<=18 at the start of the calendar year.
Anyone can play in the Open Division but an average Open player has several years experience, throws 325-400 feet accurately, makes 6-8/10 putts from 25-30 feet, and has a variety of shots (rollers, forehands, etc) to draw from. Ratings Guideline: 970+
Masters Division: (MP40,MA40,MA50)
available to all players who will be 40 or 50 years of age or older during the current year.
Advanced Division: (MA1)
The top amateur division, under 40 years of age. Tournament experienced players who have played disc golf for several years, and developed consistency. Throw 300-450 feet, make 5-7/10 putts from 25-30 feet, have different shots in their arsenal. Ratings Guideline:>= 935
Intermediate - (MA2)
available to amateur players of all ages with player ratings < 935. Developing players who have played 2-3 years with improved consistency and accuracy. Throw 250-350 feet, make 5-7/10 putts from 20 feet.
Junior >18:(MJ1/FJ1)
<=18 at the start of the calendar year.